Thursday 29 December 2011

2012/2013 Danish Government Scholarships for international students

Danish Government Scholarships (2012-2013)

Denmark offers scholarships for both long-term study periods and summer languages courses to foreign students under Danish Government Scholarships (2012-2013).
Please note, the scholarships are only offered to students or researchers enrolled at a university in their home country.

The Agency for International Education in Denmark offers government scholarships to applicants from higher education institutions from the countries mentioned below:
- 19 EU-countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Spain, and the Netherlands
- Iceland, Switzerland, Serbia and Turkey
- Non-european countries: China, Japan, Israel, Egypt and Russia. For information about these 5 countries go to the menu at the left to the page for the specific country.
These scholarships are aimed at highly qualified exchange students and young research scientists from the above mentioned countries, who wish to immerse themselves into studies in Danish language and culture, or fields of study otherwise related to Denmark such as design, or environmental studies, and so on.
Students who are enrolled in a full degree-programme in Denmark are not considered exchange students and are not eligible for a scholarship.
Please notice that only postgraduate students can apply for the scholarships. However, for studies in Danish language and literature, students can apply already at bachelor level, provided they have studied Danish language 2 years previous to their arrival to Denmark.
The scholarship funds for the Cultural Agreements are gathered into a single pool for long-term study periods (exept for China, Japan, Israel, Egypt and Russia) and Danish summer language courses. This means that the 23 countries concerned are not guaranteed an exact number of scholarships. An individual assessment will be carried out by The Danish Agency for International Education based on certain criteria, explained in the paragraph “Selection Criteria” below.
The scholarship amount for long-term periods will however remain unchanged, with a monthly stipend of 5,000 DKK. The Danish Government Scholarships cover tuition fees and living expenses for one person only.
The deadline for applications for long term study periods is 28th of February 2011.
The deadline for applications for summer language courses is 28th of March 2011.
Selection Criteria for long-term study periods
In order to ensure that the most qualified candidates are nominated for a scholarship under the Cultural Agreements programme, the scholarship committee has defined a set of criteria for the assessment of applicants. While the successful candidate does not necessarily need to meet all criteria, an applicant who meets several criteria will have a better standing in the selection process than an applicant who does not. The criteria are as follows but are not prioritized:
- The applicant states his or her reasons and motivation for choosing a specific study programme or field of study. When explaining the reasons and motivation, a direct reference to Danish language, culture or other fields of study related to Denmark must be made. This means that the desired field of study should be justified in terms of its direct relation to Danish language and culture, as for example design, music, architecture, welfare, environmental studies, etc.
- The applicant is nominated by a lecturer who teaches Danish abroad. A reference from the lecturer should be enclosed in the application.
- Theapplicant studies Danish or Scandinavian languages and literature.
- The applicant is not already enrolled at a higher education institution in Denmark.
- The applicant states his or her motivation for applying with reference to an internationally acclaimed Danish lecturer in the desired field of study, who is affiliated with the Danish host institution.
- The applicant has already established contact to a Danish university and has received an invitation, or similar, from a lecturer at the desired host university.
- The applicant is a student at a university or institution which the desired Danish host university is cooperating with.
Application procedure
Practical information regarding the application procedure for long-term study periods
The applications forms for both the long-term scholarships and the summer language courses can be found on the menu to the left of the page, and include guidelines for the completion of the forms. All applicants should send their application form directly to The Danish Agency for International Education.
The application form and enclosures must be signed and submitted by post in two hard copies, clearly marked ‘original’ and ‘copy’, to:
Danish Agency for International Education
Fiolstræde 44
DK-1171 Copenhagen K
Re. “Application form – Cultural Agreements 2011/12”
For more information about the Long-term Scholarships, please contact Marie Qureshi at .

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